Globetrotting With Greyhounds A Comprehensive Guide

Traveling with greyhounds can be an exciting and fulfilling experience for both you and your furry companion. Whether you’re embarking on a road trip, flying to a new destination, or exploring new places by train or bus, globe-trotting with greyhounds offers a unique set of benefits. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary information to make your travel experience with greyhounds seamless and enjoyable.

Traveling with greyhounds comes with several advantages that enhance your overall travel experience. These benefits include:

  • Traveling with your greyhound allows you to strengthen your bond and create lasting memories together.
  • Having your greyhound by your side during travel can help alleviate stress and provide a sense of comfort and security.
  • Exploring new destinations with your greyhound allows you to share unique experiences and witness the joy of discovery through their perspective.

Before embarking on your travel adventure, proper preparation is essential. This section will guide you on the necessary steps to ensure a smooth travel experience with your greyhound, including:

  • Keeping your greyhound’s health in check is crucial. Make sure they are up to date on vaccinations and receive a thorough health check-up before your trip.
  • Research and obtain any necessary travel documents such as health certificates, identification tags, and microchips to ensure a hassle-free journey.
  • Pack all the necessary items including food, medications, water, bedding, toys, and comfort items to ensure your greyhound’s well-being and comfort throughout the journey.

The next consideration is the transportation mode that suits your travel plans. This section will highlight different transportation options available when traveling with greyhounds, including:

  • Discover the procedures and requirements for flying with your greyhound, including airline regulations and guidelines for their safety and comfort.
  • Learn how to make your road trip enjoyable for your greyhound, including safety measures, packing tips, and planning for frequent breaks.
  • Find out the rules and regulations for traveling with greyhounds on trains and buses, including carrier requirements and booking considerations.

Finding pet-friendly accommodations is vital to ensure a comfortable stay for you and your greyhound. This section will provide guidance on various options, such as:

  • Discover hotels that welcome greyhounds and offer amenities to make their stay enjoyable.
  • Explore the option of vacation rentals and Airbnb properties that are pet-friendly and provide a home-like environment for your greyhound.
  • For outdoor enthusiasts, learn about camping and RVing options where your greyhound can enjoy nature and explore alongside you.

When you arrive at your destination, it’s important to plan pet-friendly activities and navigate local laws. This section will cover:

  • Discover attractions, parks, and outdoor spaces where your greyhound can join you in exploring and experiencing the local culture.
  • Ensure your greyhound stays active and has adequate opportunities for exercise and regular bathroom breaks while traveling.
  • Familiarize yourself with local leash laws, dog-friendly areas, and any specific restrictions or regulations related to greyhounds.

Finally, prioritize your greyhound’s safety and comfort during the entire travel experience. This section will provide helpful tips, including:

  • Understand the importance of using appropriate leashes and collars to ensure your greyhound’s safety in different situations.
  • Learn techniques to help your greyhound cope with anxiety or stress during travel and unfamiliar environments.

3. Monitoring Temperature and Hydration:

The Benefits of Traveling with Greyhounds

Traveling with greyhounds opens up a world of benefits that go beyond just exploring new places. From fostering companionship and bonding to reducing travel stress, these majestic dogs offer a unique and fulfilling travel experience. Join us as we dive into the wonderful advantages of globe-trotting with greyhounds, and discover how their presence can enhance your journeys. Get ready for unforgettable adventures and the joy of discovering new places together!

Companionship and Bonding

Traveling with Greyhounds offers a unique opportunity for companionship and bonding. Here are some ways in which traveling with your Greyhound can deepen your relationship:

  • Constant companionship: Your Greyhound will be with you throughout your journey, providing companionship and creating a stronger bond.
  • Shared experiences: Exploring new places together allows you to create shared memories and deepen your connection.
  • Quality time: Traveling provides uninterrupted time together, allowing you to strengthen your bond through focused attention and shared activities.
  • Increased trust: Navigating new environments and situations together builds trust between you and your Greyhound.

Pro-tip: Take advantage of interactive toys and games to enhance companionship and bonding during your travels.

Reduced Travel Stress

Reducing travel stress for your greyhound is crucial to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey. Here are some tips:

  • Prepare your greyhound in advance by gradually introducing them to travel-related experiences, such as car rides or crate training.
  • Create a comfortable and secure space for your greyhound during travel, such as a properly padded crate which helps reduce travel stress.
  • Stick to their normal routines as much as possible, including feeding schedules and exercise routines, to minimize travel stress.
  • Provide familiar items, such as their favorite toys or bedding, to help reduce anxiety and travel stress.
  • Use calming techniques, such as gentle music or aromatherapy, to relax your greyhound in stressful situations and reduce travel stress.
  • Take breaks during long journeys to allow your greyhound to stretch their legs and relieve themselves, reducing travel stress.
  • Ensure proper hydration and offer water regularly to keep your greyhound hydrated throughout the trip and reduce travel stress.

Experiencing New Places Together

When traveling with your greyhound, one of the greatest joys is experiencing new places together. It’s important to research pet-friendly activities and attractions in advance. Look for destinations that offer outdoor spaces for exercise and bathroom breaks. Familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding dogs. This will ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both you and your furry friend. Whether it’s exploring hiking trails, visiting dog-friendly beaches, or simply strolling through a new city, the memories you create together will be priceless. Embrace the adventure of globe-trotting with your greyhound and create lifelong memories while experiencing new places together.

Preparing for Travel with Greyhounds

Traveling with your greyhound can be an exciting adventure, but proper preparation is key. In this section, we’ll cover all the essentials you need to know before embarking on your globe-trotting journey. From ensuring your greyhound’s health and vaccinations are up to date, to obtaining the necessary travel documents, and packing the essential items for your furry companion – we’ve got you covered. So grab your leash and let’s get ready for an unforgettable trip with your beloved greyhound!

Ensuring Proper Health and Vaccinations

Ensuring proper health and vaccinations is crucial when traveling with greyhounds. Prior to embarking on a trip, it is important to schedule a visit to the veterinarian to guarantee that your greyhound is up to date on all required vaccinations and has successfully passed a comprehensive health check. This step is essential to prevent the transmission of diseases and ensure the overall well-being of your beloved pet throughout the entire journey. Additionally, it is imperative to make sure that your greyhound is on a regular preventative medication for fleas, ticks, and heartworms. By taking these necessary precautions, you can ensure the continued good health and safety of your greyhound as you embark on your travels.

Obtaining Relevant Travel Documents

Obtaining relevant travel documents is crucial when traveling with your greyhound. Here are the necessary steps you should follow:

1. Conduct Research: It is important to understand the specific requirements for traveling with pets in different countries or states.

2. Veterinary Visits: Schedule an appointment to the vet to ensure that your greyhound is up to date on vaccinations and possesses a health certificate for travel.

3. Identification: Make certain that your greyhound has appropriate identification, including a microchip and a collar with contact information.

4. Permits and Certificates: Acquire any necessary permits or certificates required for travel, such as an International Health Certificate or an EU Pet Passport.

5. Travel Insurance: It is advisable to consider obtaining travel insurance for your greyhound to safeguard against unforeseen expenses or emergencies.

Fact: Did you know that some countries impose a waiting period before allowing pets to enter? Make sure to check the specific regulations and plan accordingly to avoid any issues during your travels.

Packing Essentials for Your Greyhound

When preparing for your greyhound’s travel, it is crucial to gather all the necessary packing essentials to ensure their comfort and safety. Here is a comprehensive list of essential items you should have:

  • Collapsible Travel Crate: This will provide a secure and familiar space for your beloved greyhound during the trip.
  • Comfortable Bedding: Don’t forget to pack a cozy blanket or bed, as it will help your greyhound relax and sleep peacefully.
  • Food and Water Bowls: Bringing collapsible or spill-proof bowls will make feeding and hydration effortless while on the go.
  • Leash and Collar: Ensure that you have a sturdy leash and a properly fitted collar for pleasant walks and outings.
  • Identification Remember to include updated tags with your contact information in case your greyhound accidentally gets lost.
  • Travel Documents: It’s essential to have your greyhound’s vaccination records, health certificates, and any necessary permits handy.
  • First Aid Kit: Be prepared by including essential items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any medications your greyhound may require.
  • Food and Treats: Pack a sufficient amount of your greyhound’s regular food and treats to last for the duration of the trip.
  • Toys and Comfort Items: Bring along familiar toys or comfort items that will help your greyhound stay relaxed and entertained.
  • Clean-Up Supplies: Don’t forget to carry waste bags, cleaning wipes, and paper towels to handle any accidents or messes.
  • Extra Supplies: It’s always wise to have extra towels, blankets, and clothing in case of unexpected weather changes or accidents.

Choosing Transportation Options

When it comes to globe-trotting with our furry friends, transportation is a crucial aspect to consider. Let’s dive into the different options available: air travel with greyhounds, road trips with greyhounds, and train and bus travel with greyhounds. Discover the various ways we can embark on unforgettable adventures alongside our beloved greyhounds. Lace up your travel boots, because we’re about to embark on an epic journey together!

Air Travel with Greyhounds

  1. When it comes to air travel with greyhounds, careful planning and preparation are essential for a safe and comfortable journey for your furry friend. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth trip:
  2. First, research the airline policies and restrictions specifically related to traveling with pets, especially greyhounds.
  3. Contact the airline to reserve a spot for your greyhound and ask about any specific requirements or necessary documentation.
  4. Make sure your greyhound is up-to-date on all vaccinations and obtain a health certificate from your veterinarian.
  5. Invest in a sturdy and secure airline-approved crate that allows your greyhound to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  6. Help your greyhound get used to the crate by gradually introducing them to it and creating a positive and comfortable space.
  7. Label the crate with your contact information and attach identification tags to your greyhound‘s collar.
  8. Before the flight, give your greyhound some exercise and a chance to relieve themselves, as this helps minimize stress.
  9. It’s best to avoid feeding your greyhound a large meal before the flight to prevent any discomfort or gastrointestinal issues.
  10. Arrive at the airport early so you have enough time for check-in procedures and security screening.
  11. Inform the airline staff that you’re traveling with a greyhound and follow their instructions regarding check-in and boarding.
  12. During the flight, periodically check on your greyhound‘s well-being and provide water if needed.
  13. Once you’ve arrived, immediately reunite with your greyhound and ensure their comfort and safety before leaving the airport.

Road Trips with Greyhounds

Road trips with greyhounds can be an enjoyable and memorable experience for both you and your furry companion. Here are some essential considerations for a successful road trip with your greyhound:

  • Preparing the Car: Make sure that your car is pet-friendly and has sufficient space for your greyhound to move around comfortably.
  • Frequent Breaks: Greyhounds need regular exercise and bathroom breaks, so plan for frequent stops during your road trip.
  • Packing Essentials: Remember to pack important items such as food, water, leash, collar, waste bags, bedding, and any medications your greyhound may need.
  • Safety First: Prioritize the safety of your greyhound during the journey by using a crate or a seat belt harness specifically designed for dogs.
  • Entertainment: Provide your greyhound with toys, treats, and a cozy space to rest to keep them entertained throughout the journey.
  • Research Pet-Friendly Stops: Plan your route beforehand and search for pet-friendly attractions, rest stops, and accommodations along the way.
  • Stay Hydrated: Ensure that your greyhound has access to fresh water throughout the trip to keep them hydrated.
  • Health Check: Before starting the road trip, make sure that your greyhound is up to date on vaccinations and has undergone a thorough check-up with a veterinarian.

Train and Bus Travel with Greyhounds

When traveling with your greyhound, train and bus travel can be convenient options to explore new places together. Before your trip, ensure that the transportation methods you choose, including train and bus travel, are pet-friendly and allow greyhounds on board. Train travel, specifically, allows for a more comfortable and spacious experience, with dedicated areas for pets. Bus travel, on the other hand, may have specific rules and policies regarding pets, so it’s important to check beforehand. Both train and bus travel options offer a unique way to see the world while keeping your furry companion by your side. In fact, I once took a train journey with my greyhound, embracing the adventure of train and bus travel with greyhounds, and we had a wonderful time exploring new destinations together.

Selecting Pet-Friendly Accommodations

When it comes to traveling with our furry companions, finding the perfect pet-friendly accommodations is essential. In this section, we’ll uncover a range of options to cater to your globe-trotting adventures with your greyhounds. From comfortable pet-friendly hotels to cozy vacation rentals and Airbnb listings, and even the joy of camping and RVing, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to discover how to make your journey with your greyhounds a memorable and pet-friendly experience.

Pet-Friendly Hotels

When traveling with your greyhound, finding pet-friendly hotels is crucial to ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable trip. Here are some essential tips to consider when searching for pet-friendly hotels:

Research: Make sure to look for hotels that explicitly advertise themselves as “pet-friendly” to ensure they will gladly welcome your greyhound.

Amenities: Check if the hotel provides amenities specifically designed for pets, such as designated outdoor areas, pet beds, or bowls.

Size Restrictions: It’s important to confirm whether the hotel has any size restrictions or limitations on the number of pets allowed.

For more information, check out Globe-Trotting with Greyhounds: A Comprehensive Guide.

Fees: Don’t forget to inquire about any additional fees or deposits required for bringing your greyhound along.

Reviews: Take the time to read reviews from other pet owners who have stayed at the hotel to get an idea of the experiences they’ve had.

By following these tips, you can find the perfect pet-friendly hotel that will cater to both you and your furry friend’s needs.

Vacation Rentals and Airbnb

Vacation Rentals and Airbnb can be excellent choices for travelers with greyhounds. Here are some reasons why:

  • Space: Vacation Rentals often offer more room compared to hotels, providing ample space for your greyhound to roam around.
  • Privacy: Booking an entire house or apartment through Airbnb can give you and your greyhound a private space.
  • Amenities: Numerous vacation rentals provide pet-friendly amenities like fenced yards or access to nearby parks.
  • Flexibility: By opting for vacation rentals, you have the freedom to cook meals for your greyhound and maintain their usual routines.

A family traveling with their greyhound chose to reserve an Airbnb for their vacation. The rental featured a spacious backyard, perfect for their greyhound to play, and they even discovered a dog-friendly beach nearby. The privacy and comfort of the rental allowed them to thoroughly enjoy their vacation with their beloved greyhound.

Camping and RVing with Greyhounds

  • When camping and RVing with your Greyhound, ensure your RV or camping equipment is well-maintained and fully stocked with supplies for both you and your Greyhound.
  • Create a comfortable sleeping area for Camping and RVing with Greyhounds: Set up a cozy space with a comfortable bed or mat for your Greyhound to sleep on.
  • Provide shade and water for Camping and RVing with Greyhounds: Set up a shaded area where your Greyhound can relax and provide plenty of fresh water to keep them hydrated.
  • Plan dog-friendly activities for Camping and RVing with Greyhounds: Research and choose campgrounds or RV parks that have dog-friendly amenities and nearby hiking trails or dog parks.
  • Follow camping and RV rules for Camping and RVing with Greyhounds: Respect campground rules and regulations regarding pets, leash usage, and waste disposal to ensure a positive experience for everyone.

When camping or RVing with your Greyhound, remember to prioritize their safety, comfort, and well-being. Always keep them on a leash when outside, monitor their temperature and hydration levels, and provide them with regular exercise and bathroom breaks. With proper preparation and care, camping and RVing with your Greyhound can be a wonderful adventure for both of you. Enjoy exploring the great outdoors together!

Exploring New Destinations with Greyhounds

Discover the thrill of exploring new destinations with your beloved greyhound companions. From finding pet-friendly activities to navigating local laws and regulations, this section dives into everything you need to know about globe-trotting with greyhounds. Uncover the secrets of researching pet-friendly activities, master the art of planning exercise and bathroom breaks, and stay informed on local laws to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Get ready to embark on unforgettable adventures together with your furry travel partners.

Researching Pet-Friendly Activities

When traveling with your greyhound, it’s crucial to undertake thorough research and meticulously plan pet-friendly activities to guarantee an enjoyable experience for both you and your furry companion. Here are some valuable tips for searching and discovering pet-friendly activities:

1. Conduct an extensive online search: Utilize websites and resources specifically dedicated to pet-friendly travel in order to explore a wide range of activities and attractions that warmly welcome dogs.

2. Stay connected with pet-friendly accounts and groups on social media: Follow these accounts and groups on various social media platforms as they frequently share invaluable recommendations and tips for pet-friendly activities in diverse destinations.

3. Engage with locals and fellow travelers for insider insights: Make an effort to reach out to locals or other travelers who have previously visited the same destination as they can offer firsthand recommendations on pet-friendly activities like parks, beaches, and outdoor events.

4. Seek guidance from guidebooks and travel apps: Make good use of reliable guidebooks and travel apps that provide comprehensive information on pet-friendly attractions and activities in different cities and regions.

5. Take into account your dog’s interests and requirements: Prioritize activities that align with your greyhound’s preferences, such as scenic hiking trails, welcoming dog-friendly cafes, or enjoyable pet-friendly events.

By diligently researching and exploring an assortment of pet-friendly activities, you can guarantee that both you and your greyhound will create long-lasting memories during your travel experience together.

Planning for Exercise and Bathroom Breaks

Planning for exercise and bathroom breaks while traveling with your Greyhound is crucial to ensure their well-being and provide them with the necessary breaks. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Research Pet-Friendly Parks: It is important to research nearby parks or dog-friendly areas where your Greyhound can freely stretch their legs and get some exercise.
  2. Potty Breaks: Plan regular stops during road trips to allow your Greyhound to relieve themselves and stretch their legs.
  3. Exercise Sessions: Make sure to schedule dedicated exercise sessions during your travel days, whether it’s a short hike, a long walk, or a play session at a dog park.
  4. Hydration: Remember to carry a water bottle and a travel bowl for your Greyhound to drink water during breaks and keep them well-hydrated.
  5. Keep a Routine: Try to stick to your Greyhound’s regular exercise and bathroom routine as closely as possible, even while traveling. This will provide them with a sense of familiarity and comfort.

Navigating Local Laws and Regulations

When traveling with your greyhound, it’s essential to navigate and comply with local laws and regulations in order to have a safe and enjoyable journey. Here are some tips to ensure a smooth experience while

  • Research: Before visiting a new destination, research the local laws regarding dog ownership, leash laws, and any breed-specific regulations to ensure compliance.
  • Identification: Ensure your greyhound wears proper identification tags and has up-to-date microchip information to comply with local pet registration requirements.
  • Behavior: Familiarize yourself with any specific rules or restrictions on dogs, such as leash requirements or areas where dogs are not allowed, to navigate local laws and regulations effectively.
  • Pet-Friendly Places: Seek out dog-friendly parks, beaches, and outdoor spaces where your greyhound can exercise and play without breaking any rules, thus complying with local laws and regulations.

By following these guidelines and respecting local laws, you can have a safe and enjoyable journey with your greyhound. Happy travels!

Tips for Ensuring Safety and Comfort

When it comes to globe-trotting with Greyhounds, ensuring the safety and comfort of our furry friends is of utmost importance. In this section, we’ll dive into some valuable tips that will keep your Greyhound happy and secure throughout your travels. From proper leash and collar usage to managing anxiety and stress, and monitoring temperature and hydration, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s embark on this journey together and make every adventure with your Greyhound an unforgettable one!

Proper Leash and Collar Usage

Using the proper leash and collar while traveling with your greyhound is essential for their safety and comfort. Here are some steps to ensure proper leash and collar usage:

  1. Ensure Proper Leash and Collar Usage by choosing a leash and collar made of durable materials that can withstand your greyhound’s strength.
  2. Ensure Proper Leash and Collar Usage by ensuring that the collar fits properly; it should be snug but not too tight, allowing for two fingers to fit between the collar and your greyhound’s neck.
  3. Ensure Proper Leash and Collar Usage by using a leash that is long enough to give your greyhound some freedom to explore, but short enough to maintain control.
  4. Ensure Proper Leash and Collar Usage by always keeping your greyhound on a leash in public spaces, as this ensures their safety and prevents them from wandering off.
  5. Ensure Proper Leash and Collar Usage by avoiding using retractable leashes, as they can be difficult to control, especially in crowded or busy areas.
  6. Ensure Proper Leash and Collar Usage by regularly checking the leash and collar for any signs of wear and tear, and replacing them if necessary.
  7. Ensure Proper Leash and Collar Usage by training your greyhound to walk politely on a leash, using positive reinforcement techniques.
  8. Ensure Proper Leash and Collar Usage by never leaving your greyhound unattended while wearing a collar or leash, as they may accidentally get caught or tangled.

Managing Anxiety and Stress

Traveling with Greyhounds can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it’s important to manage their anxiety and stress throughout the journey. Here are some tips for managing anxiety and stress to help ensure their comfort:

– Familiarity: Bring along familiar items such as their bed or favorite toys to provide a sense of security.

– Calming aids: Consider using natural remedies like lavender or chamomile to soothe their nerves.

– Routine: Stick to their regular feeding and exercise schedule to maintain familiarity and reduce stress.

– Positive reinforcement: Reward them with treats and praise for calm behavior, reinforcing positive associations with travel.

During a road trip with my Greyhound, I noticed he was anxious during long drives. I started playing calming music and giving him treats whenever he stayed calm. Gradually, he became more relaxed and even started enjoying the journeys, making our travels together much more enjoyable.

Monitoring Temperature and Hydration

To ensure the safety and well-being of your greyhound while traveling, it is important to monitor their temperature and hydration. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Monitor the temperature: Keep a close eye on the temperature around your greyhound to ensure they are not exposed to extreme heat or cold weather conditions.
  2. Keep your greyhound hydrated: Always have plenty of fresh water available for your greyhound during your travels to maintain their hydration levels.
  3. Monitor water intake: Track how much water your greyhound is drinking in order to make sure they are adequately hydrated.
  4. Offer water regularly: Encourage your greyhound to drink water at regular intervals, especially when traveling in hot weather or during long journeys.
  5. Take breaks for hydration: Plan frequent stops to provide your greyhound with access to water and allow them to cool down.
  6. Observe behavior and physical signs: Keep an eye out for any signs of dehydration or overheating, such as excessive panting, drooling, or lethargy.
  7. Provide shade and cooling options: Make sure your greyhound has access to shaded areas or use cooling mats or vests to help regulate their body temperature.

Some Facts About Globe-Trotting with Greyhounds: A Comprehensive Guide:

  • ✅ Before traveling internationally with your greyhound, it is important to prepare them for the journey by visiting the vet, getting necessary vaccinations, and obtaining travel documents.
  • ✅ Investing in a sturdy and well-ventilated travel crate for your greyhound will ensure their comfort and security during the flight.
  • ✅ Familiarizing your greyhound with the crate at home and making it a cozy space with their favorite toys and treats will help them feel more comfortable during the journey.
  • ✅ Researching your destination to ensure it is dog-friendly, including looking for pet-friendly accommodations, parks, and attractions, will make the trip more enjoyable for both you and your greyhound.
  • ✅ Checking for any local regulations or restrictions on dogs in the destination is important to ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience with your greyhound.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some important considerations when traveling abroad with my dog?

When traveling abroad with your dog, it’s important to visit the vet for necessary vaccinations, obtain travel documents, invest in a sturdy travel crate, research dog-friendly destinations, and pack essentials like a leash and poop bags.

How can I ensure my dog’s comfort and security during the flight?

To ensure your dog’s comfort and security during the flight, invest in a sturdy and well-ventilated travel crate, familiarize your dog with the crate at home, and make it a cozy space by adding their favorite toys and treats.

What should I consider when exploring a new destination with my dog?

When exploring a new destination with your dog, research if it is dog-friendly, look for pet-friendly accommodations, parks, and attractions, check for any local regulations or restrictions on dogs, and be mindful of cultural differences in dog etiquette.

How can I keep my dog calm during the flight?

To keep your dog calm during the flight, bring familiar items like a favorite blanket or toy, offer treats and praise for good behavior, check on your dog whenever possible, and prioritize their safety throughout the journey.

What can I do to make the globetrotting experience with my dog memorable?

To make the globetrotting experience with your dog memorable, cherish every moment together, take leisurely walks, visit dog-friendly cafes and parks, respect local leash laws, and prioritize your dog’s safety in any environment.

How can Issuu help with finding helpful resources for globe-trotting with my dog?

Issuu is a platform that offers a wide range of short-form content across various categories, including travel and pets. By browsing their articles and publications, you can find tail-wagging tips, health and fitness advice, and other information to help plan your international escapade with your four-legged friend.






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